The al-Qaeda bombings of U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, August 7, 1998, in light of OKC and September 11, 2001
Dar es Salaam = 94 / 77
World Trade Center = 94 / 77
September Eleventh = 77
Terror = 94
-WTCs opened on 94th day of ’73
Nairobi = 68 / 41
Terror = 68 / 41
CIA = 68
-WTC construction began in ’68
-9-1-1 made emergency dialing code in ’68
–Al-Qaeda = 41
-Nairobi, Kenya = 124
-Truck Bombs = 124
-Tower of Babel = 124
-Genesis 11:9 (Where Tower of Babel story ends)
The 9/11 attack came 1131-days later (31, 11th prime).
Notice that Osama bin Laden’s Fatwa against American Citizens was published on February 23, 1998, the 54th day of the year, corresponding with the fact that he was later reportedly killed on his 54th day of being 54-years-old.
Terrorism = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
*Islam = 54
Furthermore, the August 7 attack came on the 251st day of Peter Hans Kolvenbach’s age, the Superior General of the Jesuits at the time (born November 30, 1928).
251, 54th prime
-Peter Hans Kolvenbach = 98 (’98 attacks)
From the publishing of that document to the August 7 bombings of the two towers was a span of 166-days. Can you say ‘Twin Towers?’
As for the date August 7, it can be expressed as 7/8, like 78.
New York = 78
Order Out of Chaos = 78
*Jesuit = 78 / 84
*Fatwa = 84
For another parallel, one of the lead bombers, Fazul Mohammed, was killed on June 8, or 6/8, his 166th day of his age.
He also died a span of 201-days from his upcoming birthday, Christmas Day.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Ignatius of Loyola = 201
Timothy McVeigh = 201
From the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995 to the August 7, 1998 bombing was a span of 1,207-days. Of course on 9/11, which was the followup to the OKC lie, buildings 1, 2 and 7 fell, and it was called the New Pearl Harbor, something that happened on December 7, or 12/7.
The word ‘bombing’ also fits.
Bombing = 127
Ground Zero = 127
It was also 172-weeks later. *Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172 / 116
-116 were big numbers in OKC and 9/11