The August 24, 2019 chokehold of Elijah McClain in Denver, Colorado, in light of George Floyd
The day George Floyd died, I mentioned that Minnesota was one of four states having gematria of 38. *Death = 38 *Murder = 38
Minnesota = 38
Colorado = 38
Florida = 38
Louisiana = 38
This story is out of Colorado.
Remember, a few years back, it was Philando Castile and Alton Sterling on the same day, stories out of Minnesota and Louisiana.
George Floyd was killed on the 93rd Meridian West.
Minneapolis, Minnesota = 93
The name Elijah McClain equates to 55, same as ‘Minneapolis’.
Elijah McClain = 55
Minneapolis = 55
Sigma Pi Phi = 55
Boule = 55
August 24? Kobe Bryant Day? Remember George Floyd had a daughter named Gianna, the same as Kobe Bryant. Kobe’s memorial was also on the 55th day of the year, February 24.
8/24/2019 = 8+24+20+19 = 71 *African American = 71 *Police Brutality = 71
5/26/2020 = 5+26+20+20 = 71 (day of George Floyd killing video)
From August 24, 2019 to May 26, 2020, the date of the George Floyd video, was a span of 277 days.
277, 59th prime; Kill = 59; Negro = 59