The Buttonwood Agreement, the founding document of the New York Stock Exchange, May 17, 1792

The New York Stock Exchange came after the signing of the Buttonwood Agreement on May 17, 1792, the 137th day of the year (33rd prime).
New York = 33
DowJones = 33
That was also the day leaving 228-days in the year, and the NYSE turned 228 in 2020.
United States of America = 228
*Death = 228 / 20
-America died in 2020
Notice the agreement was signed at 68 Wall Street.

*Anthony Bleecker = 68 (See below – Key signing member)
As we know, its a big number, especially for New York… and 9/11… and coronavirus, fentanyl, HIV…
Mathematics = 68
Catholicism = 68
*Club of Rome established in ’68 (April 7, 1968)
-Donald Trump was married on the 9-year anniversary (45, 9th tri. number)
-Ivana dead 45-years after he became #45
-Trump owned by the ‘banks’
-Banks = 47
-Trump = 47
In light of the New York Stock Exchange being in focus, remember the United States of America just turned 246-years old, July 4, 2022.

Read about the Catholic Church and the Federal Reserve here.

Catholic = 71 / 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35
Europe = 35
Eye = 35
Recall, the eye went on the dollar bill in ’35.
In God We Trust went on in ’56.
Society of Jesus = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
All Seeing Eye = 56
Mind Control = 56
*Federal Reserve System = 244
-US turned 244 in 2020 (year of pandemic and financial bailouts)
Per Wiki, these are the 24 original signers.
Notice there are Links for Anthony L. Bleecker and Ephraim Hart only.
One is born on the day leaving 201-days in the year, and the other in Bavaria…
In the case of Bleecker, he was born on June 13, 1741, the day leaving 201-days in the year.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Great Pyramid of Giza = 201
201 layers of stone on the pyramid
Ephraim Hart = 63 / 63
Wall Street = 63
It’s going to be the “Bills” 63rd season and we know what they did at TOPS, creating the “food desert.” The last time there was one of those was The Great Depression.