The death of King George II in light of George Washington and George W. Bush

Catholic Church History Jesuit Murder by Numbers Secret Societies

When I was 17, before 9/11, I called George W. Bush, “King George II.” I had no idea just how true it was.

King George II died on October 25, 1760, the day leaving 67-days in the year.

George Washington died at age 67.

And George W. Bush was born on July 6, or 6/7, like 67.
George Washington = 187
Washington D.C. = 187
Brotherhood of Death = 187 (Bush is a member)
Holy Roman Empire = 187
Unconquered Sun = 187
July 6, 187th day of the year (a date written 6/7…)

In the case of George Washington, he died rapidly on December 14, 1799.
Arsenic Poisoning = 187
Society of Jesus = 187 (Known for killing with arsenic)
December Fourteenth = 187
Twelve Fourteen = 187

For the record, Georgetown was established in 1751, 211-years after the Jesuits were recognized by Rome in 1540. And we know that 211 is the 47th prime number.
D.C. = 47
Vatican = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
Republican = 47
Democrat = 47
White House = 47
President = 47
Caesar = 47 (Back to Rome)

And don’t forget the Vatican was established on February 11, or 2/11, like 211, the 47th prime.

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