The death of Stephen Colbert’s father in the Flight 212 plane crash of September 11, 1974
James William Colbert Jr. = 337 (68th prime)
-9/11 plan went into motion in ’68
Stephen Colbert became very famous shortly after September 11, 2001, and to think, his father had died 27-years earlier to the day, in a “Flight 212” crash. Of course 9/11 mostly took place in Manhattan, the (212) area code, and on the 74th Meridian West (’74 crash).
The incident came 121-days after Stephen Colbert’s 10th birthday, meaning it happened in his 11th year of life, and 121 has a square root of 11. And for the 11-millionth time, 9/11 was a massive 11 ritual.
121 is part of the blood sacrifice code…
Blood Sacrifice = 121
Notice his father went to Holy Cross (Jesuit) and Yale (Skull and Bones).
He died in his 54th year of life.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
He died in Charlotte.
Charlotte = 102
Art of War = 102
al-Qaeda = 102
-9/11 attack 102 minutes long
-9/11 attack simulated 102-days before attack