The death of Stephen Smith and Gloria Satterfield in relation to the Alex Murdaugh family, Fox News, March 5, 2023

Death Murder by Numbers News

The name ‘Buster Murdaugh’ ties in with the family ‘murder’ theme.
Buster Murdaugh = 83
Murder = 83 / 38

Read about the father, Alex Murdaugh, being sentenced after 38-days.

Stephen Smith was found dead at on July 8, 2015.
7/8/2015 = 7+8+20+15 = 60
Stephen Smith = 60

The date can be written 8/7, and it was in ‘Hampton’ County.
Stephen = 87 / 33 / 30
Hampton = 87 / 33 / 30
8+7+15 = 30

Notice, he was born January 29, 1996, and it goes with his July 8 death.
129 is 201 in base-8 counting
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jesuit = 78

As we know, Alex Murdaugh’s murder and trial was very ‘Jesuit.’

And keep in mind this story is front page new for Fox on Sunday, the most Jesuit day of the week.
Sunday = 21 / 78 / 84
Jesuit = 21 / 78 / 84

As for Gloria Satterfield, notice she died at age 57, on the 57th day of the year.
South Carolina = 57

It fits the pattern of Stephen Smith’s suspicious death.
Stephen Smith = 57

His January 29 birthday also reminds of the original U.S. Jesuit institution.
Georgetown = 129 / 57 (1/29)

Also, Gloria died on her 19th day of her age, and Stephen died at age 19.
Blood Sacrifice = 67 (19th prime)

Recall, Alex’s wife and child were killed on June 7, or 6/7.
Human Sacrifice = 67

Gloria Satterfield = 107
Ritual Sacrifice = 107

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