The Falklands War, April 2, 1982 – June 14, 1982

Government History Jesuit Military New World Order News War

Notice, the war lasted 74-days… like London…

And it ended on 14/6, like 146… like United Kingdom

Of course, it began on 4/2. *War = 23+1+18 = 42

It reminds of the 42 generations to Jesus Christ.

Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
Messiah = 74
Gospel = 74
Parables = 74
Occult = 74
Killing = 74
London = 74

And notice how ‘The Falklands War’ equates with ‘Society of Jesus.’

Keep in mind it ended on June 14, the day that when counted through December 31 is a total of 201-days, the number going with ‘The Jesuit Order.’

It should remind you the Jesuit’s logo, the sun, is above the door at 10 Downing Street.
…Jesus, the “sun of God.”


  1. CJ Cheifer on April 2, 2022 at 9:59 am

    6-14-1982 was also Donald Trump’s 36th birthday. He was probably at the NYSE trading some stocks before the day was over. See, these elite are only elite because they have little birdies whisper in their ears what’s gonna go down and when. When is more important than what, because the what always eventually happens. Speaking of what (and the #74) I did a decode on a near-in-the-future death of a 74-year old Congressman (born in 1947) that doesn’t know he’s about to die per Julie Brown Ministries International on YouTube. She called him (Jerry Lewis… Nadler) out on March 31st saying he’s gonna die soon for the blood on his hands. I did a decode comparing him and Jerry Lewis the Comedian, and no joke, Nadler’s birthday is 6-13, and Jerry Lewis’s birthday is 3-16 (died at 91 y/o in 2017). I found some fantastic synchronicities with the Queen, Prince Philip, Senator John McCain and Emmanuel Macron to name a few. Nadler’s name also syncs up with “Superbowl Sacrifice.” My guess is 5-16-2022, but 4-12-2022 and 4-8-2022 are VERY close runner’s up.

  2. CJ Cheifer on April 2, 2022 at 10:00 am

    Oh shoot, here’s my video link if anyone wants to see my decode on the future dead of Jerry Nadler:

  3. TruthUK on April 2, 2022 at 12:24 pm

    It started on the 172nd day of Margaret Thatcher’s age who,at the time,was British prime minister

    Ad Maoirem Dei Gloriam = 172

    It started on the 99th day before Argentina’s birthday which is 9th July and the war was declared on a Friday

    Friday = 99

    British Army = 74

  4. TruthUK on April 2, 2022 at 12:29 pm

    The war lasted ten weeks
    Ten Weeks = 42 like the start date 4/2
    Ten Weeks War = 144/153
    Jesuit Order = 144/153

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