The Jesuit Order, the Fabian Society & George Orwell
George Orwell sums to 1229, the 201st prime.
The Jesuit Order = 201
The name George Orwell also sums to 56 and 70.
Society of Jesus = 56
Vatican = 70; Francis = 70; Paris, France = 70
He died at age 46. Catholic = 46
George Orwell wrote 1984, and was a member of the Fabian Society, established in 1884.
Fabian Society = 78 *Jesuit = 78 / 84 (1884, 1984…)
The Fabian Society might get its name from the Jesuit, Fabian Fucan.
Fabian Fucan = 78 / 42 *Jesuit = 42 *Japan = 42
Read more about the Fabian Society: