The Rayan Oram (dead boy in a well) psy-op of February 1-5, 2022 (Year of the Tiger related)
The Rayan Oram was a psy-op meant to sink the hearts of millions (the news specialty).
Notice how “Rayan Oram’ and ‘Save Rayan’ both equate to 56.
Society of Jesus = 56

And notice how his name corresponds with ‘well.’ Keep in mind he was reported rescued, before reported dead, on Saturday, February 5, or 5/2, like 52.

Well = 52 / 56
Rayan Oram = 56
Save Rayan = 56
And while I don’t know enough about Morocco to explain why, this ritual began on February 1, the first Day of the Year of Tiger, and what was a span of 76-days from Morroco’s Independence Day.
Tiger = 76 / 59 / 31
Rayan = 76 / 59 / 31

February 1 was the 32nd day of the year.
And in light of him being caught in a well, both the names Rayan and Oram relate to water.

This also fits in with it being the year of the “Water Tiger.