The Suppression of the Jesuits | Lorenzo Ricci, Pope Clement XIV, & Pope Pius VII
Lorenzo Ricci was the last Superior General of the Jesuits before their suppression on July 21, 1773, by Pope Clement XIV.
Notice how his name equates to 177, the same as The Jesuit Order and New World Order.

New World Order = 177
Lorenzo = 42/84 *Ricci = 42 *Jesuit = 42 *Superior General = 84
From his birthday, August 2, 1772, to the suppression, July 21, 1773, was 353 days later, the 71st prime number. *Catholic = 71

Notice how Pope Clement XIV equates to 71 as well, the Pope who did the suppressing.

Pope Clement XIV = 71 / 199 (46th prime) *Catholic = 46 / 71
Clement XIV’s birth surname was Ganganelli. *Ganganelli = 46
And for the record, the choice of the word ‘suppression’ is no accident.

Furthermore, notice that from Clement XIV’s birthday to the suppression was 263 days later, the 56th prime. *Society of Jesus = 56

And notice Lorenzo Ricci would die at 72, their other favorite number.

*Jesuit Order = 54 / 72
He also died in ’75. *Catholic Church = 75 *New World Order = 75
In the case of Clement, he died at age 68. *Catholicism = 68
As for Pope Pius VII, he was the man responsible for reinstating the Jesuit Order, on August 7, 1814, a date written 7/8, like 78. *Jesuit = 78

From his 71st birthday, August 14, 1813 birthday, to the reinstatement was his 359th day of his age, the 72nd prime number. *Jesuit Order = 72

Remember, the Jesuit Order was created in Paris, France on August 15, 1534, a date with 72 numerology.
8/15/1534 = 8+15+15+34 = 72

And notice how Ignatius de Loyola equates to 72.

And of course Paris, France equates to 56.

And don’t forget Ignatius of Loyola died in ’56, 84 days before his birthday, where ‘Jesuit’ equates to 84.

For more 54 and 72, and Jesuit history by the numbers, read about the recent death of Adolfo Nicolas at age 84, the Jesuit Superior General, prior to Arturo Sosa.