Three dead in Yakima, Washington shooting at 3:30 AM, January 24, 2023
The story comes from Police Chief Matt Murray on January 24, or 24/1, like 241.
Police Chief Matt Murray = 119
Fraternal Order of Police = 119 / 124
The Masonic Lodge in Yakima is #24.
Yakima = 24
And this news comes on the 24th day of the year.
It goes with the shooting killing three people at 3:30 AM. Hello 33.
They’re saying this is the 39th mass shooting of the year.
Yakima = 39
And notice where Matt ‘Murray’ fits in.
Yakima, Washington = 73
Mason = 73
And as for it happening at a Circle K, think of the 47 degrees on the Masonic compass.
Read more about the Masons and 47 here.
The first thing you do in ritual magic is draw a circle…
Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33
Magic = 4+1+7+9+3 = 24
It also took place on a date with 48 numerology, in the 42nd state, Washington.
1/24/23 = 1+24+23 = 48
And notice, Matt Murray is Jesuit educated, having attended Regis, in Denver, Colorado.
Related: Read about the death of Robert D. LaMay II of the Yakima PD here.
Watch Matt Murray tell the story in the video below.
Notice he says the victim fled east on Route 24 (you can see it in the map above).
Think about the Masons, the sun, and the “Order of the Eastern Star.”
Update: They’re saying the shooter is Jarid Haddock, a 21-year-old.
The scene that SWAT is at is University Parkway and West Birchfield Road.
University Parkway and West Birchfield Road = 187
Fraternal Order of Police = 187
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 187
Society of Jesus = 187
Washington DC = 187
The suspect is Jarid Haddock.
Jarid Haddock = 74 / 88
Masonic = 74
Killing = 74
Active Shooter = 74
University Parkway and West Birchfield Road = 457 (88th prime)
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The Order of the Eastern Star was established in 1850,(173) years ago. Founded by a lawyer and educator, Rob Harris. Emblem of the 5 pointed star of colors, red,white, blue,yellow and white. Esther from the book of Esther is represented by the color white and a crown scepter. Virtual of loyalty.
Shooting on 1/17 was at 3:30am too…. 6 dead 6 injured……….