Tiffini Hale of the Mickey Mouse Club, dead at 46, Christmas Day, 2021

Astrology Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers New World Order News

Tiffini Hale died on Christmas, a very Catholic day. And of course, Walt Disney was a member of DeMolay, a Catholic Order.

Notice she died on her 149th day of her age, at age 46.
149, 35th prime
Catholic = 35 / 46
Eye = 35 / / 46
Holy See = 35
Tiffini = 46

She joined the Mickey Mouse Club in 1989, 32-years ago. Think of the 32 sun-rays on the Jesuit logo.
Mickey Mouse Club = 177 / 84
The Jesuit Order = 177 / 84


  1. GregRamsey74 on December 31, 2021 at 7:03 pm

    She died a span of 38-days from the first appearance of Mickey Mouse in “Steamboat Willie.”

    “Christmas” = 38 (Full Reduction)
    “Willie” = 38 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Death” = 38 (English Ordinal)

    Also, she died 20-days after Walt Disney’s birthday.

    “Mouse” = 20 (Septenary)
    “Death” = 20 (Full Reduction)

    “Walt” = 25 (Reverse Full Reduction)(25th of December; Christmas)

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