Title 8 replaces Title 42, May 11-12, 2023

Federal Government Immigration News US-Mexico Border


Title 8 is from the Immigration Act of 1990, turning 33 years old later this year.
Federal = 33
Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
Masonry = 33
Mexico = 30

Notice the date numerology of November 29, 1990.
11/29/1990 = 11+29+19+90 = 149
Skull and Bones = 149
-George H.W. Bush passed it
-His son’s administration created Homeland Security after 9/11
-Both he and his son were Presidents, and in Yale’s Skull and Bones

Funny enough, Mage, #8, just won at the 149th Kentucky Derby, May 6, 2023.
Title Eight = 56
Kentucky Derby = 56
Washington DC = 56
Freemasons = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
*Ronald Reagan = 56 (Dead on 5/6, 5th day of June)

And again, Mage #8… Title 8… on May 6, or 5/6…

Also, notice that from 1990 to this transition, it is coming 32.5 years later. November 29 leaves 32 days in the year, but when counted through December 31, it is the first of the last 33 days of the year.
America = 32
Masonry = 33
32 sun rays on Jesuit logo
32nd degree of the Scottish Rite link with Jesuits (Ad maiorem Dei gloriam)

Related: This was a recent Trump ‘8’ headline. Of course, he is connected directly to Title 42.

fake electors = 48 / 69 / 120 *Illuminati = 48 / 69 / 120


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