TMZ reports 25 year old R&B singer Ann Marie killed her boyfriend, December 7, 2020, the “59 date”

This news broke December 7, 2020, Pearl Harbor Day, a date with 59 numerology.
12/7/2020 = 12+7+20+20 = 59 *Slave = 59 *Negro = 59 *Kill = 59
The number 59 connects to ‘kill’ and black history, and this is a story about black killing in the world of entertainment. Furthermore, this news comes out of Atlanta, Georgia, a predominantly black city.

And pay attention, TMZ has a black shaming story every single month on the 59 date…

Keep in mind it was a date with 39 numerology as well.
12/7/20 = 12+7+20 = 39

From MLK to Malcolm X, to Biggie, 39…

Notice the shooting was December 1, or 12/1, like 121.
Blood Sacrifice = 121
This came 11 days after her 25th birthday, November 20, having been born in 1995. *Black = 11 *Death = 25

2020, the year of death…

Also noteworthy, the boyfriend’s name equated to 74.

*Kill = 74 *Jesus = 74 *Cross = 74