Tom Brady and Ozzy Osbourne retire, and Beyonce announces Renaissance tour, February 1, 2023
On February 1, or 1/2 Tom Brady, #12 is retiring.
Tom = 12
And he is retiring in ’23, after 23 seasons.
End = 23
And he is retiring on the 32nd day of the year.
NFL = 32 (32 teams)
America = 32 (America’s Game)
Also, he is calling it quits on 46 date numerology.
2/1/2023 = 2+1+20+23 = 46
Tom Brady = 46
199, 46th prime
Truly grateful on this day = 103 (103rd NFL season)
Jesuits = 103
Also, today leaves 333 days in the year, and Brady started in 333 regular season games.
So is Ozzy Osbourne.
Ozzy Osbourne = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Tom Brady, born 201 year after Illuminati and U.S.
Keep in mind today’s date can be written 02/01/2023
And February is the perfect time for such an announcement.
February 42
Retire = 42
Jesuit = 42
Freemason = 42
In the case of Brady, he finishes his career with 95 losses.
Jesuits and 95
Notice Ozzy is 74-years-old, and he has retired on his 61st day of his age. #SJ
Jesus = 74 / 61
Cross = 74 / 61
Masonic = 74
Occult = 74
*Rock = 61
Think about his song Mr. Crowley.
At the same time, on the first day of Black History Month, Beyonce is announcing her tour.
The chose a photo from from April 14, or 14/4 in Indio, California.
Jesuit Order = 144 / 72
Renaissance = 72
Indio, California 85 / 95 / 266
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85 / 266
The Jesuits and 95
In light of Brady retiring at age 45, the tour name fits here.
Renaissance = 45
*Thirteen = 45
Today is 150 days after Beyonce’s 41st birthday.
Order of Illuminati = 201
Illuminati = 150
41, 13th prime (Illuminati’s 13 families)
Recall Beyonce’s Black Is King release.
Black Is King = 201
Carter G. Woodson = 201 (Father of Black History Month)
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Here is that satanic sellout beyonce in the middle east recently dressed as MOTHER BABYLON:
2 Thessalonians 2:7 KJV – For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
^^^ that is all Zack does with his work is show how Satan mystery of iniquity program is doing their thing unto the kingdom of his beast soon.
Feb 1 has 333 days left in year, a divisor of 666.
Beyonce is supposed to be in Philadelphia at Lincoln Financial Field 7/12/2023. I don’t care since I’m not a fan.