Tom Brady brings championships to Tampa Bay shortly after his signing, 2020, the year of coronavirus

Since this headline, the Tampa Bay Lightning have won the Stanley Cup in the NHL on September 28, 2020, and the Tampa Bay Rays have won the AL Pennant on October 17, 2020.
They are now off to play in the 116th World Series.

And Tom’s full name equates to 116.

Tom Brady officially signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on March 20, 2020, what is typically the 79th day of the year, but because this year was a leap year, it was the 80th. *Tampa Bay = 79
This is interesting because the Tampa Bay Lightning team name sums to 80 in the most pure cipher, and 179 in the most simple, reminding us how they advanced to the Stanley Cup on September 17, or 17/9, Patrick Mahomes’ 25th birthday, before winning it (more on that in a moment).

And notice Brady went to Florida, to play football at age 43, reminding of George W. Bush, who became the 43rd President, in Florida, where his brother was the 43rd Governor, Jeb, and was in Skull and Bones, at Yale, a secret society having a symbol that looks something similar to the Tampa Bay Bucs. Of course his dad, H.W. was also in it, and he was the 43rd VP, as well as the 41st President. *Skull and Bones = 41

In Game 7, the Rays big moment came on the 43rd pitch, just like how earlier in the series, #43 had the big home run.

*Tom Brady’s next Super Bowl is his 10th.
McCullers gave up the bomb on the 43rd pitch, wearing #43.

He tosses for the Astros.

The Rays won the series 4-3, like 43.
From the day Brady signed with Tampa Bay, March 20, to the day the Lightning won the Stanley Cup, was a span of 193 days, the 44th prime, connecting to the 44 gematria value of ‘Lightning’.

193, 44th prime

The lightning won the Stanley Cup 44 days after the August 15th fires in the Bay Area that were caused by severe and unprecedented lightning. Of course, Tom Brady is from the Bay Area. *And for the record, we made this observation before they closed it out, as a reason why they were going to close out, just like we assumed they would advance to the Stanley Cup on 17/9, like 179, as they did (
Also, here’s a few more interesting gematria connections.

Tampa Bay Lightning = 91 (13th Triangular Number)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers = 62 *Buccaneers = 62
*Arlington, Texas = 62 / 179 (Where the World Series is)
The Tampa Bay Rays just gave the Houston Astros their 62nd all-time postseason loss. *Houston, Texas = 62
*Last year the World Series ended for Houston, 6-2, on the day leaving 62 days in the year.
*197, 45th prime *New England = 45
As for the Rays, they have advanced to the World Series on October 17, 2020, 211 days after officially signing Tom Brady.
211, 47th prime *Tampa Bay = 47 *10/17/20 = 10+17+20 = 47

Making matters all the more interesting, Super Bowl 55 in Tampa Bay will be on the 325th day of Brady officially being signed by the Bucs, and you might recall what I said about this number 325, Skull and Bones, the Knights Templar, the massive bank bailout on March 25th (3/25), while the Bank of England was 325 years old, and how Brady fit in at the time going to the Buccaneers. If you don’t, you know where to look.

Zunino, #10, for the Rays, was born March 25, or 3/25…

*Also, don’t forget how they have synced up the MLB, NHL and NFL as we have documented when Tampa and Boston have played during these most recent “coronavirus seasons.”
Read more here:
And here:
*And don’t forget it is the Society of Jesus behind these rituals, the Jesuits.

191, 43rd prime *Jesus Christ = 43
Notice the Lightning won the Stanley Cup 56 days after Brady’s birthday, and again, the Lightning storm began on August 15, the day the Jesuits were created in Paris, France.
Paris, France = 56 *Natural Disaster = 56

And from his birthday to the Rays winning over the Houston Astros in the ALCS, was 75 days later.

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3-20-2020 is a really special day. It was the 6765th day after 9-11-2001. 6765 is the 20th Fibonacci#.That was also Pat Riley’s 75th birthday. He and the Miami Heat had tons of “43” going on as well. You’ve talked/written extensively on how Brady’s career is scripted around “911.”
Great work as usual Zachary! I just wanted to reach out to let you know that today Fox 13 News out of Tampa is running a story that 201 non Floridians have died of the Coronavirus. And of course this comes a span of 201 days after the governor closed the state on April 1st which of course was 201 days after his birthday. And for another sick joke the phrase non Floridians equals 201 in reverse ordinal.
From your 3/25 post:
As they say, all wars are bankers wars. Notice the terminology, “this is a wartime level of investment into our nation”.
325 is also the 25th triangular# like the salary Brady signed for to play for a team that represents the idea of robbery and plunder. The 5×5 magic square pertains to Mars where the sum of all squares is 325. Each row, column and diagonal sums to 65, so all this is apt.
Wait so whos gunna win the world series??? Tampa bay rays??? Or la dodgers?
Listen from 1.23 in this clip – Colin Cowheard says of Brady “Bad actors have bad movies, GOOD actors, excuse me…”
Total and utter mockery.