Tom Brady gives Super Bowl 56 tickets to 10-year-old brain cancer survivor, Noah Reeb, January 15, 2022

Cancer Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit News Sports

Noah Reeb has the right name for being Super Bowl bound.
Noah Reeb = 41
Super Bowl = 41
LA = 41 (SB 56 in LA)
-Brady won Super Bowl 53 at age 41 over the LA Rams

Super Bowl 56 is on the 44th day of the year, February 13, and Brady will be 44-years-old at the time of the SB.
Brain = 44
Cancer = 44

This news comes January 15, 83-days after Brady and the Bucs beat the Bears on October 24.
Football = 83
Brady’s birthday is 8/3

That game was 112-days before Super Bowl 56.
Super Bowl = 112
*Chiefs = 112

The Patriots played the Bears in Super Bowl XX, and the Bears won 46-10 (56 points). Of course, Tom Brady will forever be associated with the Patriots.


  1. mjhound on January 15, 2022 at 4:31 pm

    The shit these people will stoop to do… of course they can’t really stoop because they are already at the bottom of the barrel scum

    • peter fitzwel on January 15, 2022 at 11:07 pm


      Tiger woods last golfed with son (after his 2nd fake car crash where they nearly had to amputate tigers leg.) His sons name is Charlie =56 38 and his avg score is 83. Tigers 1st fake car crash on 11/27/2009 was on the 333rd day of his 33 age.

      Re sb56: mahomes can play titans=83 and fall to 8-3 and rodgers can come into the nfc championship with an 8 and 3 home playoff record at home to lose to the bucs. The show 1883 advertised during football.commercials debuted 56 days before sb 56. On final bucs game they put up a full screen graphic saying brady has 83 td at age of 43 and up compared to all other 43 and up qb’s with 22 combined. Bucs got all 22 starters back this year (very rare).

  2. GregRamsey74 on January 15, 2022 at 7:39 pm

    “Tickets” = 24 (Full Reduction)(game on the 24th)
    “Reeb” = 24 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “Super Bowl Tickets” = 83 (Single Reduction)

    “10-year-old” = 38 (Reverse Full Reduction)(Tampa beat Chicago with 38)

    This year makes 36-years since the Bears beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl, and Brady won SB 36 against the Rams.

    “N. Reeb” = 44 (English Ordinal)

  3. peter fitzwel on January 15, 2022 at 10:50 pm

    Al michaels =83 38 announcing superbowl and sideline reporter Michele tafoya in her last game in football on sb56 8 weeks 3 days span after her birthday. Chris Collinsworth has only announced superbowls that patriots were in but that means brady in all of them. Bradys 1st start was 9/30/2001 8 weeks 3 days after his 8/3 bday. It was in Indianapolis =201 vs p manning born 83rd day and that’s why he was inducted to HOF this year for the 83 ritual. His brother jersey retired with 83 sync with Eli bday. They worded it “subway endorsement deal “=83 that Brady got in August. Bucs win the superbowl in the 83rd nfl season. The last back to back=201 team to win sb was patriots 17 years ago. But it’s also exactly 888 weeks (brady going for 8th win) since last back to back win in 2005 superbowl. The winning scores in those two superbowl games summed to 56. This is only do to nfl pushing back season for a week but did not need to but to make it all work including madden 56 days till his bday from sb56. Madden is the bay area sacrifice for brady to win and retire…Madden bday 3 months 3 weeks 3 days before Bradys. John Madden =88 brady going for his 8th and to be 8th team 888 weeks (also 17 y 7d ) after last back to back team winner .
    Ryan Timothy Tannehill =263 the 56th prime and this 201 days after his 33rd bday. Titans=83 and were upset by Texans=83 to become 8 and 3. Titans (oilers) established on 8/3. BRADY is 7-3 vs titans to become 8 and 3. TANNEHILL has the best record vs brady among active players (2nd only to p manning born 82rd day) Tannehills record 5-6 perfect for a sb56 match up. Mike Vrabel=44 and I have been told but have not confirmed that Mike Vrabel caught bradys 83rd td pass. Brady in 33 games with the bucs has got 83 td. He goes into playoffs with 83 td and 38 int. The world series was all about Hank Aaron=83 . Tiger gonna win his 83rd in Masters 102 days after his bday. He is tied for all time pga wins now with 82. Lee Elders 1st black golfer in masters just died and his last bday 8 months 3 weeks to the 4/4 start of the masters . It’s the 85th masters and ends on John Maddens 4/10 bday.

  4. dmh1437 on January 16, 2022 at 5:56 am

    Brady was a Bucc 666 days when he gave those tickets
    Of course today is 813 days before the 4/8/24
    1609 days after the 8/21/17 Eclipse
    254th prime
    Today is 28 days before SB 56
    Arians will be 25307 days old
    2791st prime which is 406th prime
    406 = 28th triangular
    Arians and Sirriani were born a span of
    28 yrs 8 months and 13 days apart

    Interesting that the last time Dallas beat SF @ Dallas 41-33 (74)
    56 weeks before today
    (Same score Philadelphia beat NE in SB 51)
    3017 days before today was the last time Philadelphia won @ TB 31-20 (51)
    If TB goes to SB, do they go 7-4?
    Or does Philadelphia go 24-23 in playoffs?

  5. mark.r on January 16, 2022 at 6:08 am

    Is cancer > black lives matter?

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