Treat Williams, actor, dead at 71, on George Herbert Walker Bush’s birthday anniversary
Treat Williams, who starred in the comedy 1941, died on June 12, 2023, #41’s birthday, George Herbert Walker Bush. Of course H.W. was a member of Skull and Bones.
Skull and Bones = 41 & 202 (June 12 leaves 202 days in the year)
Skull and Bones is known as the ‘Brotherhood of Death.’
Brotherhood of Death = 97
Richard Treat Williams = 97
*Death = 97
It goes with him dying on the 163rd day of the year.
163, 38th prime (Death = 38)
Skull and Bones logo is also the Skull and Crossbones.
Richard Treat Williams = 223
Skull and Crossbones = 223
-They identify as Order 322
He died at age 71 in East Dorset, Vermont.
East Dorset, Vermont = 71
Catholic = 71
Skull and Bones relates to the Illuminati and the Knights Templar, both Catholic in origin.