Trump fires Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, November 9, 2020

Uh oh, The Apprentice is back!
This news comes 197 days after Mark Esper’s 56th birthday.
197, 45th prime *Donald Trump #45

Notice, the name ‘Mark Esper’ also sums to 56.

Washington D.C. = 56 *Society of Jesus = 56
*You’re Fired = 54 / 144 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 144
It is reported that Esper announced he was planning to resign on November 5, 2020, the day leaving 56 days in the year.

The man to replace him, Christopher C. Miller, has a name equating to 211, like ‘The Apprentice’. Keep in mind 211 is the 47th prime.
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“6 months 14 days.” 6/14 is Trump’s birthday.
The acting SecDEF is Christopher C. Miller, b 10/15/1965, exactly 360 days after Kamala Harris’ bday.