Trump intends to nominate loyalist Kash Patel to lead the FBI, Saturday, November 30, 2024

Federal Government News Secret Societies

What a news story for the 30th of November.

Notice that Kash Patel’s birthday is the 56th day of the year.

It goes with the FBI having 56 field offices (Washington DC=56, Society of Jesus=56).

This nomination comes on a Saturday, named after Saturn (Saturn=56 & 93, Kash Patel=93).

This news comes on the 30th (Saturn has a 30-year return, Kash Patel=30).


  1. DIVINE NUMBERSS on December 1, 2024 at 2:58 pm

    What a fucking Coward, the fact that you always have to mute and hang up on people SHOWS WHAT A LITTLE BITCH YOU ARE. Always making shit up and then hanging up so the person isn’t able to defend themselves from all the shit you made up. You do it all the time you fucking Coward….

    The golden rule seems to be a fairytale if you ask me.

    You better start watching your back Hubbard, the people you constantly slander and disrespect might just end up knocking on your door and knocking your teeth out for being a lying ass coward.

    Also you should start behaving online, be reminded that you have a daughter now… Karma is a Bad Bitch and Rubies may just be the accesory to complete her outfit.

    Stop manipulating,lying and grifting your daughter might just end up paying for your disgraceful behaviour. Would be a shame but you are an awful human being and an even worse Father/ Role model so you most likely haven’t thougth of your actions. You should start…

    • EyesOfTheSun on December 1, 2024 at 5:02 pm

      If you’re stupid enough to use anything he says to make bets, that’s on you! It is for entertainment purposes only. How much did you lose a few grand? Thats all on you man, and he doesn’t have to listen to you berate him on live streams. You are lucky enough that he leaves your insane comments up on this website for all to see. And now you’re threatening him and his children? You need to calm the f down.

      • DIVINE NUMBERSS on December 2, 2024 at 4:55 am

        Oh look it’s Zachs Kiss ass, Still waiting for you to respond to my last comment about this grifter where I spoke facts. You decided to ignore each and everyone there though. No, you clown I don’t follow this scumbags advice nor do I bet anything he advises. Stop assuming shit you brainless pos. Also I am not threatening him and his CHILD (it is one kid u fucking dummy) I am stating facts, fact is KARMA comes around full circle and being a Parent gives you the certain obligation to be respecful towards others and mindful of what you do to others. Since you are a fucking idiot let me explain what I mean, actions good or bad have consequences therefore it means his behaviour might lead to natural repercussions in the future. I referenced Karma implying an external, non personal force enacting justice over him through his kid. It is incredibly sad how this mans kiss ass followers are this stupid. Do yourself a favor and stop standing up for a 40 year old POS

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