Trump launches Operation Warp Speed, May 15, 2020
Read about 266 and the Jesuits:
And don’t forget the Jesuits were formed September 27, the day leaving 95-days left in the year, to kill Martin Luther who wrote the 95 Theses against the Catholic Church.
And don’t forget Agent 95, Anthony Fauci. 12/24/1940 = 12+24+19+40 = 95
Read about Event 201 and the Jesuits in light of Event 201, the coronavirus outbreak simulation:
Operation Warp Speed also sums to 220 and 94 like ‘coronavirus pandemic’.
The term ‘warp speed’ sums to 107 and 44, like ‘military’.
September 15, 2020 will mark 266-days after Fauci’s birthday. It is the day leaving 107-days left in the year. *Donald Trump = 159 *Scottish Rite = 159 *9/15/20 = 9+15+20 = 44

Read about the relationship between the Jesuits and the Scottish Rite:
Read more about Donald Trump’s May 15, 2020 vaccine announcement here: