Trump tells supporters how extreme his second term would be, CNN, September 11, 2023 top story

This is about Trump’s speech in South Dakota, the land of Mount Rushmore.
It was given Friday, September 8, 2023, the Virgin Mary’s birthday, and on the anniversary of the Queen’s death, thus when King Charles took over. And recall, another King Charles is connected to the English Civil War. Of course, January 6 had the major Civil War themes, and so have many other things, especially post George Floyd riots.
September 8, 2023 was a date with 60 numerology.
Donald Trump = 60 (60th Pres. Election upcoming)
Keep in mind CNN made this their top story this morning on September 11.
Donald = 119 (Jewish Gematria)
From his July 3, 2020 speech in South Dakota to this story is 166 weeks later.
Twin Towers = 166
Secrecy Society = 166
September 11 also goes with Trump being called President-elect on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, November 9, the other 11/9 or 9/11 date.
Berlin Wall = 45
’63 was an assassination year. It was JFK.
South Dakota = 63
Remember, in ’16, they compared Melania’s outfit to Jackie Kennedy’s in ’61, for both Inaugurations. They were the last two to wear baby blue.