Twitter’s X sign is taken down in San Francisco after “24 complaints,” July 31, 2023

Recall, Twitter rebranded officially as X on the 24th of July. And now the X is taken down after 24 complaints. Of course, X is the 24th letter.
X = 144 (Sumerian Gematria)
Jesuit Order = 144
This news comes on the anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola’s death.
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All values according to Alphanumeric Qabbala:
(0-9, then A=10 through Z=35)
“X” = 33
— July 31 = 7/31, the reverse of 137 (33rd prime number).
“Ignatius de Loyola” = 333
“Three Three Three” = 303
“The Jesuit Order” = 303
(What this ‘means’ is up to you, though)
Elon’s, which preceded PayPal, was launched on 12/7-1999 (now there’s a date with history) and Twitter was rebranded to on 24/7-2023, which is 8630 days apart. What’s interesting is they share 38 numerology—1+2+7+1+9+9+9 and (7)+(24)2+0+2+3—and also 47—(12)+(7)+1+9+9+9—and its reflection 74—(7)+(24)+2+0+2+3. Those numbers need no explaining on here. 1999 has a value of 137, too—(12)+(7)+(19)+(99)—and 137 is the 33rd prime number. Thanks!