Two (or three) dead in Auckland, New Zealand shooting hours before the Women’s World Cup begins, July 19, 2023
This news comes on a Wednesday in the West, but Thursday in New Zealand.
Wednesday = 37 & 44
Shooting = 37 & 44
And as for ‘Women’s World Cup,’ it reveals another familiar pattern.
Women’s World Cup = 69 / 177 / 201
The Jesuit Order = 69 / 177 / 201
-Auckland, New Zealand = 172
-Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
Keep in mind the shooting is on July 20 in New Zealand, the 201st day of the year.
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This came 163-days after New Zealand’s birthday(38th prime)
“Death” = 38
“Murder” = 38
“Killing” = 38
“RIP” = 38
This came a span of 165-days from New Zealand’s birthday, as well as leaving a span of 165-days remaining in the year.
“New Zealand” = 165
“Auckland Shooting” = “Number of the Beast” = 66/87/174/258
“New Zealand Shooting” = 85/274
“Iesus Hominum Salvator” = 85/274
“Two dead in Auckland shooting hours before city hosts Women’s World Cup” = 853
853, the 147th prime
“Conspiracy” = 147
“Freemason” = 147
This came 6-weeks and 6-days before the birthday of New Zealand Prime Minister, Christ Hipkins.
“Auckland Shooting” = 66
“Mass Shooting” = 66
-He is currently 44(Shooting,Kill,Wednesday)
-He was also born in ’78
“Chris” = 78
“Jesuit” = 78
This came 48-days before Chris Hipkins’ upcoming birthday.
“New Zealand” = 48
Or a span of 49-days.
7/19/23 = 7+19+23 = 49
Chris Hipkins is the 41st prime minister of New Zealand.
“Nineteen” = 41(news on the 19th in the West)
“Hipkins” = 41
“Skull and Bones” = 41
7/19/2023 = 7+19+2+0+2+3 = 33
“Chris” = 33
“Police” = 33
“Masonry” = 33
“Secrecy” = 33
“Order” = 33
“False Flag” = 33