Tyre Nichols January 7, 2023 Memphis PD traffic stop & January 10 death

The young black man’s name is ‘Tyre Nichols.’
Tyre Nichols = 59
Rodney King = 59
Slave = 59
Negro = 59
Rasta = 59
Blues = 59

He was pulled over for ‘reckless driving.’

Keep in mind this came right before the MLK holiday, and he was killed in Memphis on the 95th day of 1968. That was April 4, 1968, and this January 7 beating came 87 days before the shooting anniversary, because this year is not a leap year unlike 1968. *Martin = 87

He died 59 days after the Superior General’s birthday.

He was beaten by 5 cops, 9 days before MLK Day, a man who was killed in Memphis.
Memphis = 34 / 38 / 83 / 106
Murder = 34 / 38 / 83
Black = 106
Notice he was 29.
Black = 29
He died January 10, or 1/10.
Black = 11
The confrontation came January 7, or 1/7.
59, 17th prime
Mason = 17 / 62
-Rodney King was beaten on 62nd day of the year (March 3)
The date can also be written 7/1, like 71.
African-American = 71
His birthday was June 5, or 5/6. The same day they painted Black Lives Matter on Church St. in D.C.
Black Lives Matter = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Freemasons = 56
Washington DC = 56
That also means January 7 was 56 days after the Superior General’s birthday.

He died three days later…
Three = 56

He was pulled over 7 months and 2 days after his birthday.
Memphis, Tennessee = 72
Jesuit Order = 72
It’s the same old song.
Tyre Nichols = 58 / 59
Freemasonry = 58 / 59

Notice the Attorney General, who is presenting much of the story, is a Jesuit, having attended Georgetown.

January 7 was Kevin Ritz 102nd day in office.
Slavery = 102
Nigger = 102