Understanding the Saint Peter’s Peacocks 2022 March Madness joke in light of Russia, Alec Baldwin & Disney

Catholic Church Entertainment History Jesuit Military Sports War World War

#15 Saint Peter’s Peacocks, the 150-year-old Jesuit program out of New Jersey, has advanced to the Elite 8, to face the North Carolina Tar Heels, whose mascot is a Ram, not unlike the Super Bowl 56 champion Los Angeles Rams, coached by Sean McVay, with the Ukrainian fiancee.

In light of Saint Peter’s being #15, recall that the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 nations, with the largest being Russia, who is now at “war” with Ukraine, also a former member of the Soviet Union. Also, let us not forget St. Petersburg is the old capital of the Soviet Union.
War = 15


At the same time, think of Alec Baldwin, who shot the Ukrainian woman on the set of Rust.
Rust = 15

In light of Saint Peter’s being a Jesuit school, don’t forget a Jesuit created the Illuminati, on May 1, 1776, a date that can be written 1/5, like 15.
Illuminati = 150

And don’t forget Alec Baldwin reportedly shot the Ukrainian woman at 1:50 PM local time.

He also shot her 201-days after his April 3 birthday, on October 21.
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
-Illuminati = 48
-Russia = 48
-World War = 48
-New Mexico = 48

The military conflict began in the ‘Donbas Region’ of Ukraine.
Donbas Region = 201

Keep in mind Alec Baldwin plays Donald Trump, Russia’s big friend has a gang of buddies making money in Ukraine, and he plays him on NBC’s Saturday Night Live. Of course, NBC’s logo is a Peacock, and Saint Peter’s won in the Sweet 16 on March 25, 2022, ‘Peacock Day.’
Peacock Day = 84
Jesuit = 48
March 25, 84th day

Saint Peter’s = 47 (15th prime)

For another 84, it is ‘Vladimir Putin,’ the Jesuit puppet.
Vladimir Putin = 84

And go figure he has the same birthday as the coach of Saint Peter’s.

Disney = 76 (They might make a movie about this guy) *Illuminati founded in 1776

Keep in mind Saint Peter’s is now the greatest “Cinderella” story ever told, and Disney put out their remake of Cinderella on March 13, 2015, 7-years to the day of the bracket for the 83rd Men’s Basketball Tournament being put out on March 13, 2022.
Cinderella = 83

And of course Walt Disney is the founder of the company that now pretty much owns everything, including all the companies that televise the rigged games.
Walter Elias Disney = 201
Walt Disney World = 201

Keep in mind the Rust shooting happened during the filming of a scene at a “church.” As for the Vatican, that the Jesuits serve, their largest statue is of a pinecone, with two peacocks at its base. And of course, Walt Disney was a member of DeMolay International, modeled after the Knights Templar of the Catholic Church.

The Baldwin shooting was October 21, the day leaving 71-days in the year.
Fontana della Pigna = 71
The Society of Jesus = 71
Catholic = 71

Universitas Sancti Petri = 102 / 150 / 291 / 303
-World War = 102
-Art of War = 102


  1. Liberty420 on March 27, 2022 at 9:25 am

    Just go back to the basic understanding of the word Peacocking… I don’t think Russia is gonna do anything crazy. Just fanning their feathers. It sure does get a ride outta the west and keeps them in check

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