US could default on debt as early as June, February 22, 2023 update

Banking Federal Financial Government Markets & Stocks Politics

Read about Janet Yellen’s June warning for a potential default here. That was January 20, 2023.

Other potential defaults range between July and September.
July 26 is the 207th day of the year
Debt Ceiling = 207

This is the danger of the debt ceiling not being raised:


  1. GregRamsey74 on February 22, 2023 at 6:16 pm

    “What happens if the debt ceiling isn’t raised?” = 207

    “Default on Debt” = 222(2/22)

    “Default on Debt” = 129(201 in base 8 counting)

    “US could face default as soon as June if debt ceiling isn’t lifted, says thinktank” = 322

    This comes 134-days before the 4th of July.
    “US Default” = 134

    This comes 61-days after the Federal Reserve Act anniversary.
    “Economic Disaster” = 61

    This also comes 121-days after the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Depression.
    “Disaster” = 121

    “Debt” = 23/13
    -Federal Reserve Act on the 23rd of December in 1913.

    • laborer2008 on February 23, 2023 at 10:22 pm

      What calculator have you used for these numbers? I cannot confirm some of them, e.g. “Economic Disaster”

  2. laborer2008 on February 23, 2023 at 11:46 am

    “US debt limit” = 134 (Ordinal)

  3. laborer2008 on February 23, 2023 at 10:03 pm

    33 days passed between 20.01.2023 and 22.02.2023 – masonic number

  4. laborer2008 on February 23, 2023 at 10:07 pm

    >This comes 134-days before the 4th of July.
    Honestly speaking it’s not. 133 or 132

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