Vienna, Austria terror attack near synagogue, on 103 year anniversary of Balfour Declaration, November 2, 2020
This has transpired on Monday, November 2, 2020, the 103 year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, declaring the ambitions to create a Zionist nation in Palestine, which is modern day Israel.

Read more about the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 here:

November 2, or 11/2, is a lot like 112.

The Jesuits operate in 112 countries.

And notice the leader of the synagogue’s name, Oskar Deutsch.

The name of the synagogue, ‘Seitenstettengasse synagogue’, equates to 64, like Israel and Zion.

And don’t forget modern Israel was established May 14, 1948, 72 years ago and months. *14/5

And notice how ‘Vienna, Austria’ shares the gematria of ‘Rothschild’, who the Balfour Declaration is addressed to.

This news comes 10 days before Austria’s birthday, and 55 is the 10th triangular and Fibonacci number.

Furthermore, the Jesuit fingerprints are on the title ‘Balfour Declaration’.

Order Out of Chaos = 78

Coming back to the 112 thing, the Vatican was established February 11, a date like November 2, that can be written 11/2, or 2/11. In the case of 211, it is the 47th prime.

211, the 47th prime

Think of 9-1-1, made the national emergency dialing code, in 1968, on February 16, the 47th day of the year, the same year World Trade Center construction began, and think of the attack on the WTCs on 9/11. Well, in Austria, their dialing code is 112, like today’s date, 11/2.

It all points one direction.

1968. Emphasis on ’68…

This attack comes on the 68th day Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s age.

9/11 happened on George W. Bush’s 68th day of his age. And keep in mind, W. Bush graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones in 1968.

Skull and Bones is related to the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church gave us the language.
The Catholic Church gave us the calendar.
The 4th Book of the Holy Bible is Numbers.
Speaking of the Holy Bible, this comes 45 days before Pope Francis 84th birthday.

And notice Vienna, Austria equates to 197, the 45th prime number.

And for one last connection to Pope Francis, the day of this shooting, November 2, leaves 59 days in the year.

59, 17th prime *Kill = 59 / 17
Notice how this headline from the Chancellor ties in.

And for one last point, today is the 307th day of the year, the 63rd prime, following the terror attack on October 29, the day leaving 63 days in the year. *Terrorism = 63

Update, they’re now reporting “4” people died. Of course, four is associated with death, as well as foundation, and as we know, the fear of death, is government’s favorite quality to exploit in humanity.
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Oy vey, uh, I mean Allahu Akbar goy!