Vogue creative director, André Leon Talley, dead at 73, January 18, 2022
This news come January 18, or 18/1, like 181, the 42nd prime.
Black History = 181
He is dead on his 95th day of his age, and the Million Man March was on his birthday, in ’95. Of course 95 is the reflection of 59…
André Leon Talley = 59 / 76
Slave = 59 / 76
Negro = 59 / 76
Blues = 59 / 76
He is dead at 73.
Sacrifice = 73
Ritual Sacrifice = 73
-73, 21st prime
-Talley = 21
He is dead 34-years after becoming the creative director of Vogue.
Black = 34
Murder = 34
And notice it begins on February 11, the 42nd day of the year.