What is 225 | Is the cabal communicating the Great Tribulation?
Read about the 225 ritual with the killing of George Floyd: https://gematriaeffect.news/steve-mnuchin-announced-the-20-harriet-tubman-design-would-not-debut-in-2020-days-before-george-floyd-killing/
As a reminder, George Floyd was killed on his 225th day of his age, and one day after, the Catholic Church of Minnesota paid $22.5-million to the families of the little boys it had raped. Also, three days before his killing, on May 22, or 22/5, Steve Mnuchin, the Skull and Bones Jew, announced the Federal Reserve would not reveal the $20 Harriet Tubman bill. Of course, George Floyd had the “counterfeit $20.”
So what could 225 means? Could it be the Trinitarian Formula? That relates to the Church…

Notice the title Trinitarian Formula sums to 93, the same as ‘Minneapolis, Minnesota’, the city on the 93rd Meridian West.

The Great Tribulation is another biblical concept that could fit in.

The Great Tribulation lasts 7 years… then the Messiah returns.
Short video on The Great Tribulation, that relates to the Mark of the Beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB11XZ5qZP8

In light of the Great Tribulation connecting to Jesus, recall, he has the strong 93 connection as well.

Understand, what is being encoded, is not the work of God, but the work of the cabal, who used the scripture, as the script. They are the New World Order.

Read about how Acts 7:6-7 relates: https://gematriaeffect.news/washington-d-c-mayor-muriel-bower-decides-to-paint-black-lives-matter-on-street-leading-to-white-house-june-5-2020/
And keep in mind, Acts is the 44th book of the Bible, since Minneapolis is on the 44th Parallel North.

*African-American = 44 *Prophet = 44
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Argentina and Italy won major soccer trophies on consecutive days.
If the Vatican time zone is used, both trophies were won on 11th July – the day Pope Francis made his first public appearance since his operation.
11th July is 22 weeks and 5 days from Francis’ birthday
2 days earlier a former England Soccer player was sacrificed – he was born on 22/5
His name was Paul Mariner=56
11th July is also 5 months and 6 days from the Pope’s birthday
Even better: Good catholic boy 5 ft 7 Tom Cruise=57 was there AND when Italy lost to Yugoslavia-Born Djokovic on the same day Italy beat England in the football – the last time they won the Euros was against Yugoslavia=57 https://twitter.com/AnthonyCDavison/status/1414958115292917766?s=20
The “MVP” Player of the Tournament was Italy goalkeeper Donnarumma whose birthday is 225; Feb. 25th.