When Pope John Paul II visited the Arizona State Sun Devils, September 14, 1987

Astrology Catholic Church History Jesuit

The Catholic Pope once visited the Sun Devils back in ’87!
Number of the Beast = 87
The Catholic Church = 87

Keep in mind September 14 leaves 108-days in the year.
Sun Worship = 108

And the Catholic Church has celebrated the sun’s birthday since 274 AD.
Arizona State Sun Devils = 274 / 85
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274 / 85

That date can be written 14/9, like 149, the 35th prime.
Catholic = 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35
Sun Devils = 35
Eye = 35

And going back to the October 8, 2021, or 10/8 football game with the Sun Devils, where they got their 18th win vs. Stanford all-time in their 33rd match, it was a game that came 201-days before the head coach’s birthday, Herm Edwards.
Heliocentrism = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Catholic Pope = 201
-129 is 201 in base-8 counting
-9/14/1987 = 9+14+19+87 = 129

His visit to ASU was 119-days after his birthday.
Vatican = 119

And it was in the time of Virgo, associated with the Virgin Mary.

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