When Pope John Paul II visited the Arizona State Sun Devils, September 14, 1987
The Catholic Pope once visited the Sun Devils back in ’87!
Number of the Beast = 87
The Catholic Church = 87
Keep in mind September 14 leaves 108-days in the year.
Sun Worship = 108
And the Catholic Church has celebrated the sun’s birthday since 274 AD.
Arizona State Sun Devils = 274 / 85
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274 / 85
That date can be written 14/9, like 149, the 35th prime.
Catholic = 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35
Sun Devils = 35
Eye = 35
And going back to the October 8, 2021, or 10/8 football game with the Sun Devils, where they got their 18th win vs. Stanford all-time in their 33rd match, it was a game that came 201-days before the head coach’s birthday, Herm Edwards.
Heliocentrism = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Catholic Pope = 201
-129 is 201 in base-8 counting
-9/14/1987 = 9+14+19+87 = 129
His visit to ASU was 119-days after his birthday.
Vatican = 119
And it was in the time of Virgo, associated with the Virgin Mary.