Why David Icke’s London Real interview being censored by YouTube and Vimeo looks like part of the plan as foretold by the October 18, 2019 Event 201 Simulation

Big Tech Celebrity Censorship Coronavirus News
64,000 peak concurrent views on April 6, or 6/4…

Notice, David Icke responded to the censorship on April 7, 2020, emphasis on 4/7.

Remember, Modern Freemasonry was established June 24, 1717, in London.

6/24/17 = 6+24+17 = 47

The date David Icke responded can also be written 7/4, like 74.

Don’t forget Event 201 took place October 18, 2019, the day leaving 74-days left in the year.


If you watch the highlight reel of Event 201, you’ll see that simulation talks about censoring the truth community from spreading “misinformation” and even suggests shutting down the internet to stop the spread of misinformation.  Watch the highlight reel here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174

The World Health Organization were a partner in Event 201, and David Icke has responded on the organizations 72nd birthday.

Notice what the BBC said.


Read about David Icke’s March 18, 2020 interview with Brian Rose of London Real:  https://gematriaeffect.news/david-ickes-march-18-2020-interview-with-brian-rose-of-london-reel-about-the-coronavirus-covid-19-new-world-order-agenda/

The March 18 interview was 325-days after David Icke’s birthday.  The April 6 interview was 325-days after Brian Rose’s birthday.

Adding to the Scottish Rite ritual, the April 6 interview was 49-weeks after David Icke’s birthday.

Recall, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11, or 11/3, like 113. And don’t overlook the 3:11 post time by David Icke in the tweet shown above.

RELATED | Read this post on Facebook’s new level of censorship for COVID-19 / coronavirus related information: https://gematriaeffect.news/facebook-is-now-censoring-information-that-goes-against-official-information-for-covid-19-coronavirus/