Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down state’s stay-at-home order, May 13, 2020
Notice, Tony Evers was born on November 5, the date of the infamous Jesuit Gunpowder Plot.
Adding to the riddle, this news comes on his 191st day of his age.
191 is the 43rd prime, connecting to ‘pandemic’ and ‘Jesus Christ’, and the fact that the decision was 4-3…
Society of Jesus… Jesus Christ…
Wisconsin’s capital is Madison, and Madison, Wisconsin sums to 74.
Don’t forget Event 201 was the coronavirus simulation…
The Jesuit Order = 201
The Holy Bible = 201
Ignatius of Loyola = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
José Joaquín de Ferrer = 201
For one last point, Tony Evers is the 46th Governor of Wisconsin.
There are 46 books in the Catholic OT. JFK died at age 46. The next president is number 46.