World records most coronavirus cases in a single week, April 19, 2021 news propaganda

Notice that this announcement was made on Monday, April 19, 2021, the day in history that the Jesuits became a military order by Ignatius of Loyola.
Ignatius of Loyola = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Of course, Event 201 was the coronavirus pandemic simulation of October 18, 2019, one more before the outbreak in Wuhan, China.
Keep in mind this news announcement came on a date with 28 numerology.
4/19/2021 = 4+19+(2+0+2+1) = 28
Covid = 28

5.2 million cases in the last week?
Pope = 52
Earth = 52
52 weeks in a year
52 cards in the deck
The Jesuits serve the Pope.
More than 142 million cases? *Coronavirus = 142
And notice how Africa has almost no cases. Meanwhile here in the United States they’re telling black people they need the vaccine the most…
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I can vouch this really happened. I live about 10 minutes away. My friends mother works at this location. The shooter was fired yesterday from his job as a cart boy. He was said to be mentally ill. The grocery manager was killed protecting another female.