Worst windstorm in California since 2011 expected today due to “Santa Ana Winds”, January 7, 2025
2025 has a square root of 45 (Windstorm=45).
This comes to start the year ’25, and the comparison is being made to what happened to Pasadena in 2011 (Pasadena=25).
That storm was on December 1, 2011, emphasis on 12/1, like 121.
Today is the 121st day of the state of California’s current age.
On December 1, 2011, it was $33 million in damage (today has 33 date numerology — 1+7+25=33).
121 has a square root of 11, the master number, and similar to 2011, emphasis on ’11.
This year the areas at risk are Ventura County and Los Angeles.
Today can be written 7/1, like 71 (Ventura County=71).
Ventura County=55 *Santa Ana=55 *Military=55
The storm is blamed on ‘Santa Ana’ winds, and today can be written 1/7 or 7/1.
Today is also 145 days after the anniversary of the first act of weather warfare being admitted to, on the Jesuit Order’s anniversary of establishment, August 15, 1952.
As for the year ’52, the Jesuits are into things that are old, like Enlil.
Here we are in 2025.
California also ties in, equating to 52 (California=52).
Today has 53 date numerology (1+7+20+25=53, Los Angeles=53).
Today is also 37 days after the anniversary of the December 1, 2011 storm.
Weather=37 & 109 *Los Angeles=37 & 109 *Military=109
Today is 56 days after the Superior General’s birthday (Power Outage=56, Society of Jesus=56).
Today is the 22nd day of the Pope’s age (Power=22, Blackout=22, Wind=22).
From the Jesuit Order’s anniversary of being established, August 15, until today, is the 146th day of their age. Tomorrow, Wednesday, when the storm will end, will be 146 days after their birthday (Power Outage=146).
Remember that the first act of weather warfare was admitted to on August 15, 1952.
Natural Disaster=56
Climate Change=56
Tibet=56 (Tibet was hit with a 7.1 earthquake today, on 7/1)
Remember the overlap with ‘Weather Control’ and ‘The Jesuit Order.’
Today is also 89 days after Gavin Newsom’s October 10, 2024 birthday (Chaos=89).
Notice the way the Seal of Orange County overlaps with the Jesuit Order’s logo.
The County of Orange=71 (going with the 7/1 date) *The Society of Jesus=71
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It seems the WWE Netflix event held in Los Angeles was synced up, too. The Rock introduced the show (remember Maui the fire god) he even had the audience chant a Maui war cry from the movie.
Dom Mysterio wears an outfit with 201 stamped all over it.
Seth Rollins = 52.
Comes in later dressed as Lucifer. His song;
The Second Coming = 71.
The lyrics – “Burn it down” on repeat as the audience sings along. Now, look at LA up in flames.
This is obvious foreshadowing.
Also may be worth circling May 6th (5/6 oe the 126th day) as there has been alot of 126s in today’s rituals. The 126th day of the year is 119 days from today.
I also just noticed another in light of the fires: Pacific Palisades Fire = 126