$113 billion spent by US on Ukraine aid, September 21, 2023 news (and the $325 million Biden just pledged)

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What do we know about the number 113?

It is a number of the Scottish Rite.

It is a number of dishonest, dating back to the Talmud.

And what do we know of the Scottish Rite?

Right, it was created by the Jesuit Order, thus the shared motto, Ad maiorem Dei gloriam.

It’s shared at the 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite, going with the 32 sun rays on the Jesuit logo.

The US was named September 9, 1776, the day leaving 113 days in the year.
United States = 113

America was established July 4, 1776, a date with 32 numerology.
America = 32
Scottish = 32

Notice the latest amount Biden just pledged was $325 million.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry 325

$325 million.

The council of Nicea in 325 AD…

Catholic, like Joe Biden…. #46 *Catholic = 46

Read pages 26 and 27 in my book Number Games.

The $113 billion.


And how about that 47th drawdown, from the land of DC, the land of 47?
Joe Biden was 47th VP
Obama took office at age 47
Biden won the Presidency after 47 years in DC (1973-2020)
President = 47
White House = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
Christian = 47
Republican = 47
Democrat = 47
DC = 47
News = 47
Foundation = 47
Framework = 47
4/7 (4th of July)
“Four score and seven years ago.”
Time = 47

Notice the 47 degrees on the compass. It all goes back to ‘France,’ the land of the Jesuits and Scottish Rite. *France = 47

Of course, the Masons know a thing or two about 47.

The cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid on July 4.
Holiday = 74
Masonic = 74
The King = 74
Occult = 74
English = 74
Gematria = 74
Jewish = 74
*Lucifer = 74

And a lot more…
Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
Messiah = 74
Gospel = 74
Parables = 74
*Jesus Christ = 74
*George Washington = 74

George Washington has a tribute, in the ceiling, portraying him something like Jesus, in the clouds above, at the Capitol building. That building also has an open tomb for him in the basement.

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