7.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Northern California on 7 date numerology, December 5, 2024

Biblical Earthquake News

This news comes on 7-date numerology, going with the 7.0 magnitude.

Today is December 5, 2024 (1+2+5+2+0+2+4=16, and 16 is 1+6=7).

Today can be written 12/5, like 125 (Numerology=125).

The earthquake happened at 10:44 AM (Earthquake=44, Numerology=44).

Today leaves 26 days in the year (Quake=26, HAARP=26).

Today is the 88th day of the state’s age (Weapon=88, California=88).


Tomorrow will be December 6, or 6/12, like Revelation 6:12.

December 6 will leave 25 days in the year (Eureka=25, Earth=25, Tsunami=25 & 97 (25th prime)).

December 6 will be 88 days after the state’s birthday (California=88).


  1. Truther on December 6, 2024 at 7:29 am

    Do you remember your stream from three days ago, when someone told you that Eminem is in The Interview and connected to Korea? You practically came in your pants, completely clueless as always. And then you have the nerve to call me a troll?

    Let me remind you—I wrote a book about the importance of this film four years ago and uploaded a video on August 30, 2024. You’re not breaking ground here, Zach. You’re just parroting scraps of information that have already been laid out by people who are miles ahead of you. Here is the video:


    The truth is, if you were actually about truth, you wouldn’t have any problem collaborating with others. But like I said years ago, this was never about truth for you—it’s about competition. You care more about protecting your little platform than uncovering real knowledge. That’s why you delete and censor anything that threatens your fragile ego or exposes how behind you are. You don’t seek truth; you seek control.

    You and your so-called “minions” are a disgrace. Stop pretending to be truth seekers when all you do is scratch the surface. You’re an insult to the concept itself. Your pride, your ignorance, and your obsession with competition will be your downfall. And when it happens, don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for you, because you’ve earned it.

  2. TruthUK on December 6, 2024 at 9:06 pm

    Fuck Jesus

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