Search results for: GlaxoSmithKline
Emma Walmsley, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, joined Microsoft’s board on September 19, 2019 In light of this news, consider that GlaxoSmithKline merged with Pfizer, and rushed out the coronavirus vaccine, that was invested in by Bill Gates, formerly of Microsoft. What makes this all the more interesting is the gematria of the name Emma Walmsley, equating with ‘Year of the Rat’, which is 2020, the year of…
Read MorePfizer’s Brooklyn origins & its December 19, 2018 merger with GlaxoSmithKline +Dow move August 31, 2020
Pfizer is out of New York. Remember when we predicted it would go into lockdown on March 22, the 82nd day of the leap year (*and 322)?Loyola = 82 And don’t forget Fauci is from Brooklyn… more on that in a moment. I like Wikipedia’s detail about 57 in 2018 at the time of this…
Read MoreJustin Bieber’s Ramsay Hunt Syndrome news on June 10, 2022, the 102nd day of his age, in light of the history of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine
Justin Bieber is 28-years-old. Pfizer merged with GlaxoSmithKline prior to Covid… And notice how Justin Bieber and Covid fit. And notice where ‘vaccinated’ fits as well. This news comes 101 days after Justin Bieber’s 28th birthday (or 102nd day of his age).101, 26th prime numberVirus = 26Plague = 26Covid = 26China = 26 Read about…
Read MoreShingrix approved by FDA on October 20, 2017, in clear Jesuit ritual
Notice, the Jesuit controlled CDC recommends you get two doses of Shingrix and it was approved October 20, 2017, the day leaving 72-days in the year.Jesuit Ordre = 54 / 72Shingrix = 54 We know how much the Jesuits like 54 and 72. They also like 42.Shingles = 42Vaccine = 42Jesuit = 42 GlaxoSmithKline and…
Read MoreRafael Nadal pass Novak Djokovic in Grand Slams, winning his 21st at the Australian Open, January 30, 2022 After being tied at 20, Nadal passes Djokovic with his 21st Grand Slam win, January 30, 2022, 241-days after his 35th birthday.241, 53rd primeNovak Djokovic = 531/30/22 = 1+30+22 = 53-Last year Novak won the 53rd edition of the current Australian Open-This year Nadal wins the 54th edition—Jesuit Order = 54—Jesuit = 21 Recall,…
Read MoreSeptember 2, 2009, the date Pfizer settled for the largest health care fraud suit in history, $2.3-billion
What’s funny about the date of this settlement, September 2, is the primary product in the lawsuit was ‘Bextra’ equating to 92, like the date 9/2. The CEO at the time was Jeffrey B. Kindler, Jewish. The suit was 112-days after his birthday.Judaism = 112Catholicism = 112Zionist = 112-Jesuits operate in 112 countries Jeffrey…
Read MoreJoe Biden moves up vaccine timeline to by May 31, 2021
May and February are the lone months with 42 gematria, the ‘vaccine’ number.–johnson-vaccine/index.html This news comes March 2, 2021, 14 weeks and 4 days after Biden’s 78th birthday. Jesuit = 78Jesuit Order = 144Art of War = 102 *Wuhan, China = 102 *Social Distancing = 102 See the massive 102 vaccine ritual with Pfizer…
Read MoreNew Zealand approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, February 10, 2021, in the latest 102 ritual Get that, New Zealand approved the Pfizer vaccine on 10/2, like 102. Recall, the Pfizer vaccine was approved in the UK 102 weeks after the Pfizer-GlaxoSmithKline merger… And recall the lockdown after 102 days in New Zealand.
Read MoreThe Pfizer family, 201 & 322 Notice, the father of the founder of Pfizer, Karl Frederick Pfizer, has a name equating to 201. The Jesuit Order = 201 Read about the Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline 102 ritual. And don’t forget the UK approved 30 million doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine on July 20th, the 201st day of the year, not long…
Read MoreMoncef Slaoui, the head of Operation Warp Speed, and more Jesuit / Catholic fingerprints Moncef Slaoui, the head of Operation Warp Speed? And don’t forget the Jesuit connection to 266, or how the number syncs with Operation Warp Speed. The first vaccine rushed out also has a name equating to 266, ‘Pfzier/BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine’. Don’t overlook he was part of GlaxoSmithKline, which merged with Pfizer, by the numbers,…
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