Search results for: bridge collapse
Golden Gate Bridge shutdown on Paul Pelosi’s 84th birthday (after Key Bridge collapse on Nancy’s 84th)
On April 15, 2024, Paul Pelosi’s 84th birthday, the Golden Gate Bridge was shutdown. It goes with the Key Bridge falling on Nancy Pelosi’s 84th birthday when she governed in San Francisco after being raised in Baltimore. As for these rituals coming on their 84th birthdays, it is plain to see why. Keep in mind…
Read MoreFederal criminal investigation underway for Baltimore bridge collapse, April 15, 2024
This April 15, 2024, news comes 258 days after Francis Scott Key’s August 1 birthday anniversary. *Order of Illuminati=258 *Number of the Beast=258 Recall, the Bridge collapse happened three days after its 47th day birtday.Beast=47 *Authority=47 *Government=47 *Time=47 Remeber, in Cabin In The Woods, the CIA has to make sacrifices to the beast. And it…
Read MoreBarge strikes Oklahoma bridge four days after Key Bridge collapse, at Robert S. Kerr Reservoir
Notice Robert S. Kerr was born on September 11 and died in 1963, the year JFK was assassinated. Robert Samuel Kerr=201 & 75–The Jesuit Order=201–New World Order=75–Order Out of Chaos=75–Order=75 Recall the 75 ritual that just took place with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and recall that CNN had on the ’95 Oklahoma City Bombing…
Read More1851 Maritime law was amended in 1936, 88-years-ago, impacting Key Bridge collapse financial decision
Maritime in Maryland? Again, the bridge came down at 1:28, the 88th minute of the day, 34 weeks after Francis Scott Key’s birthday anniversary, and on 26/3, like 263, the 56th prime. The bridge had a 56 meter clearance. The number ’43’ has a lot to do with the monster of the sea, Poseidon. Remember,…
Read MoreJoseph Lieberman’s death from a “tragic fall,” one day after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, March 27, 2024
CNN and other media are reporting he died from a tragic fall. Joseph Lieberman is dead at 82. So guess his name Gematria? He is dead on the 33rd day of his age, while UConn is on 33 wins for the season.Connecticut=46 *March Madness=46 *Sacrifice=46 (Genesis 46) Glendale is where the Final Four is.Federal=33 *Order=33…
Read MoreIndian bridge collapse kills at least 134, October 30, 2022
The 143-year-old bridge collapsed in Gujarat state.Gujarat State = 143Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143 (The Builders) And as for arresting nine people.Bridge = 4545, 9th triangular number And as for the 134 dead, I have pointed out that number relates to destruction many times.
Read MoreThe Johnstown Flood of May 31, 1889, that was the fault of Henry Frick, the head of Carnegie Steel Company (in relation to Jan. 28, 2022 bridge collapse in Pittsburgh) The deadly flood that was the fault of Henry Clay Frick came 163-days after his birthday.163, 38th primeDeath = 38Murder = 38Killing = 38RIP = 38*Red Cross = 38 It came 163-days after his 39th birthday.Johnstown = 39 Recall, the recent staged bridge collapse in Pittsburgh, January 28, 2022, was in ‘Frick’ Park,…
Read MoreWhere Sean Penn’s “Polish border” story meets, William Penn, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Biden bridge collapse, and King Charles soon to replace Queen Elizabeth, March 1, 2022
Sean Penn is front and center in news media, March 1, 2022, his 197th day of his age.Sean Justin Penn = 197197, 45th primeRitual = 45IHS = 45 / 18 / 18-He is 61-Jesus = 61-61, 18th prime-Sun = 18 Jesuit (Society of Jesus) logo is the sun with the letters IHS inside.-18 represents the…
Read MoreDaryl Luciani, the Pittsburgh bridge collapse bus driver of January 28, 2022
USA Today’s story about the Pittsburgh bridge collapse bus driver emerged on Jan. 29.Daryl Luciani = 129-129 is 201 in base 8 counting–The Jesuit Order = 201–Order of Illuminati = 201–Lucifer, the light bringer (Luciani?)–Illuminati means illuminated (in the light)—Luciani = 48 / 69 / 120—Illuminati = 48 / 69 / 120Daryl Luciani = 78…
Read MoreThe Baltimore Bridge is demolished 48 days after its March 26, 2024, collapse on Pelosi’s 84th birthday, on May 13, 2024
The Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge was demolished today, Monday, May 13, 2024. Today is 13/5, like 135. Recall that the Key Bridge came down 135 days after the Superior General’s birthday.Golden Gate Bridge=135 Central Intelligence Agency=135 *Bavaria=135 Reportedly, they were going to do it yesterday, but the weather moved it today. Had they done…
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