Search results for: elon musk twitter 54
Tucker Carlson announces one week before his 54th birthday, he’ll be moving to Elon Musk’s Twitter platform
We’re also talking about what a Jesuit stooge Elon Musk is who owns Twitter. Recall when he offered $54 per share for Twitter on April 14, or 14/4, like 144.Jesuit Order = 54 & 144 Now notice that Tucker Carlson makes this announcement in his 54th year of life, a week before his 54th birthday,…
Read MoreElon Musk focuses on ‘free speech’ after purchasing Twitter at $54 per share, April 25, 2022
After purchasing Twitter at $54 per share, ‘free speech’ is the focus.Free Speech = 54Censorship = 54Jesuit Order = 54 Again, he has purchased Twitter on the 115th day of the year, 43-weeks after his birthday.Twitter = 115Elon Musk = 43 Read about how Twitter’s stock market debut was November 7, 2013, the day leaving…
Read MoreElon Musk offers to buy all of Twitter at $54 per share, April 14, 2022, in clear Jesuit pawn ritual
Notice Elon Musk, the Jesuit pawn, offered $54 per share on April 14, or 14/4.Jesuit Order = 54 / 144 And keep in mind Twitter first went on the market November 7, 2013, the day leaving 54-days in the year (go figure). This news comes 75-days before Musk’s upcoming June 28, 2022 birthday.Catholic Church…
Read MoreNobody elected Elon rally of February 4, 2025 This rally came precisely 144 days before Elon Musk’s 54th birthday (Jesuit Order=144 & 54). It should remind you of Elon Musk offering $54 per share on April 14 or 14/4. It should also remind you that Twitter, now X, is rampant with censorship (Censorship=144 & 54). Since the time he took over, I…
Read MoreSEC sues Elon Musk on the 201st day of his age over failing to disclose social media platform purchases, January 14, 2025
Today has 24 date numerology, and X is the 24th letter (1+14+2+0+2+5=24). Recall when 24 people petitioned to have the X removed from Twitter. Recall when Twitter rebranded as X on July 24, or 24/7, while the country and Illuminati were 247. This news breaks on the 201st day of Elon Musk’s age, reminding…
Read MoreBrazilian court orders suspension of Elon Musk’s X after it missed deadline, August 30, 2024 Do you remember when Elon Musk offered $54 per share on April 14, 2022, for Twitter? Jesuit Order=54 & 144 (14/4 offer of $54 per share) The ruling came 74 days before the Superior General’s birthday. Read about the 74 ritual in Aurora, Colorado on the same day. For one last point, Brazil is…
Read MoreElon Musk’s 53rd birthday, the countdown to 54, and ‘censorship’
Elon Musk turned 53 today, Friday, June 28, 2024. That means he will turn 54 years old a year from today, June 28, 2025. It will go with how censorship has increased on Twitter (X) since his $54 per share offer on April 14, 2022.Censorship=54 & 144 *Jesuit Order=54 & 144 Keep in mind, the…
Read MoreElon Musk says AI will take all of our jobs in Paris, on the 144th day of the year, May 23, 2024
Today is May 23, 2024, the 144th day of the leap year. FYI, CNN now requires you to give them your email to access multiple articles per day. Who remembers when Elon Musk offered $54 per share for Twitter on April 14, or 14/4?Jesuit Order=54 & 144 Another term with that gematria is, Mark of…
Read MoreMr. Beast posts first video to X 201 days after Elon Musk’s birthday, January 15, 2024 (and Elon says he wants 25% stake in Tesla) Monday, January 15, 2024, was 201 days after Elon Musk’s birthday.The Jesuit Order=201, Order of Illuminati=201, The Holy Bible=201 Not only did Must post about this on Monday January 15, 2024, he also let us know that Mr. Beast uploaded his first video to X on this day.15/1 is like 151 (151, 36th prime)666,…
Read MoreElon Musk blames ADL for 60% decline in ad sales since taking over the company due to falsely being accused of anti-semitism, September 4-5, 2023 news
60%? The ’24 election will be the 60th US Presidential election. X is the 24th letter. Remember how many people petitioned the X in San Francisco (answer: 24)? Remember what day they rebranded to X? It was July 24, or 24/7, while the US and Illuminati are 247. Read this article about the petition from…
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