A grave moment for Trump, August 5, 2022, as Alex Jones ordered to pay $45 million more (and the Trump Tombstone in Central Park story from March 28, 2016)

Federal Government History Jesuit News Predictive Programming

$45-million? For Trump’s wingman? #45?

Plus, it’s August 5.

Again, Trump won the 58th US Presidential election after announcing he was running from the 58 story Trump Tower. There’s been a lot of 58 since then. Here’s the latest, on 5/8, like 58.
Freemasonry = 58
Secret Society = 58

Grave moment? Remember the Trump tombstone rituals in New York?
Tomb = 58
Trump Tombstone = 58 / 211
-This comes 211-days after the January 6 anniversary

Central Park = Donald = 119 (Mr. 11/9…) Central Park = Trump = 47

Notice the part at the bottom, “MADE AMERICA HATE AGAIN.”

It goes with today being August 5, or 8/5, or 5/8, like 85 and 58.
Donald John Trump = 76 / 85

Made America Hate Again = Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85 / 122
Made America Hate Again = 85 / 122 / 139 / 401 (79th prime)
*This news March 28, 2016, was a span of 79-days from Trump’s June 14 birthday *Society of Jesus = 79

The election was 7-months and 11-days before the November 8, 2016 election (711).
-It was a span of 32-weeks and 2-days (322)


And remember, Alex Jones has the same February 11 birthday as the Vatican, 2/11, like 211.
Alexander Emerick Jones = 211


Read more about Alex Jones and 150 here.


  1. Fernando J. González G. on August 6, 2022 at 4:06 pm

    «On 22 July 2022, Pope Francis issued the apostolic letter in the form of a motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum. […] This reform will become effective on 04 August 2022.»

    Which reforms Opus Dei, the Catholic order that is portrayed in The Da Vinci Code…

    The 26th Jesuit Superior General, Włodzimierz Ledóchowski, accused Opus Dei of being a Catholic form of Freemasonry.

    The anniversary of his election is February 11, and the Vatican was established as a sovereign state while he was superior general.

  2. danbeartrap on August 7, 2022 at 6:54 pm

    Donald Trump=211(FB), “PRESIDENT”=211(FB)

  3. Sean on August 9, 2022 at 5:27 am

    Sand Theme? The Sandman TV series released on 8/5 and Sandy from Grease died on 8/8

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