Adar Poonawalla, the biggest vaccine maker in the world, November 2, 2021 news
The biggest vaccine maker in the world, Adar Poonawalla, has a name equating to 53 and 82, just like Covid…
Oxford = 82
Covid = 82 / 53
Adar Poonawalla = 82 / 52
Loyola = 82
Ignatius = 53
-This news comes on 11/2 (Jesuits operate in 112 countries)
Once again, this is how the characters are chosen for this 100% manufactured narrative.
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Interesting the biggest vaccine maker in the world is based in India from where we are told the Delta Scariant originates…
First vaccines went live in the UK and, lo and behold; the first Scariant, the “Alpha” Variant is found in the UK around the same time..