Alex Jones is an Illuminati agent | Sandy Hook parents asks jury to return $150 million verdict in defamation suit against Jones, July 26, 2022

This happened July 26, 2022, the big day for New York, next to Newtown, Connecticut.
And with regards to the $150 million, this news came a span of 201-days from Alex Jones upcoming February 11, birthday. We saw a similar ritual in Uvalde with Matthew McConaughey, with the shooting coming 201-days after his birthday, and the Green Converse 150-days before his upcoming birthday.
Green Converse = 150 / 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Great Pyramid of Giza = 201
-201 remaining layers of stone
Illuminati = 150
Maya Guerra Gamble = 150 (Name of Judge)
We also saw a similar ritual with Alec Baldwin, at 1:50 PM, shooting the Ukrainian woman 201-days after his birthday…
The Jesuit Order = 201
Heliocentrism = 150 / 201
-Sun is 150m km away earth on average
Triclavianism = 150 / 201
Capital Punishment = 150 / 201
And it’s kind of like Beau Biden dying at age 46, on the 150th day of the year, May 30, 2015, 201-days before Pope Francis’s birthday.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
Ignatius of Loyola = 201
Leo Jeremiah O’Donovan = 201

Don’t overlook Alex Jones 11/2 birthday either.
Sandy Hook = 112
Adam Lanza, 112 pounds
Adam Lanza, born on 112th day (Apr. 22)
A.L. is 1.12
The Jesuits operate in 112 countries.
The Jesuit Order = 112
Of course, in Uvalde, the 9-1-1 call came from Room 112.
And at Stoneman Douglas, the majority of students were shot in Room 1214, not unlike the date of Sandy Hook, December 14, or 12/14…
And don’t forget the 201 Sandy Hook parent, Noah Pozner’s mother, Veronique De La Rosa.
Veronique De La Rosa = 201
-Noah Pozner, born Nov. 20 (11/20)
-Noah Pozner, buried December 17, 2012, Pope Francis’s last birthday before becoming Pope
–Saturn Worship = 201
–Sacrifice to Saturn = 201
–Saturnian Order = 201
–Pope Francis birthday is Saturnalia, Dec. 17, 1936
Alex Jones is on the Genesis network…
The Holy Bible = 201
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“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” – THE WORD OF GOD
“Sandy Hook parents ask jury to return $150 million verdict in defamation suit against Alex Jones” = 347 (Full Reduction)
-347, the 69th prime
-“Illuminati” = 69 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Sandy Hook parents ask jury to return $150 million verdict in defamation suit against Alex Jones” = 1123 (Reverse Ordinal)
-1123, the 188th prime
-“Bavarian Illuminati” = 188 (English Ordinal)
7+26 = 33
“Alex Jones” = 33 (Full Reduction)
“Lawsuit” = 33 (Single Reduction)
-The news was updated 33-minutes after 10 PM
“Sandy Hook School Shooting” = 201 (ALW Kabbalah)
“One Hundred Fifty Million” = 123 (Full Reduction)
“The Holy Bible” = 123 (English Ordinal)
“Conspiracy” = 123 (English Ordinal)