Ali Jeylani, the fatally shot 15-year-old in Columbus, Ohio, July 22, 2022 (and the news on the day of the Senate’s record new environmental deal, August 7, 2022)

Biblical Black Lives Matter Catholic Church Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Racism Shooting Sports

Chuck Schumer, the leader of the US Senate, is 71 on this Tisha B’Av (August 6-7, 2022).
The Society of Jesus = 71
Catholic = 71
Temple = 71
Talmud = 71

Of course, he is Jewish, and Tisha B’Av is the holiday on the Jewish calendar to remember the destruction of the two temples.

And then notice the other top story, the killing of the teen on July 22, 2022.
7/22/2022 = 7+22+20+22 = 71

He was a star for the ‘Hilltop Tigers’ in the year of the Tiger.

And as for the killing of 15-year-old, it is told by Ali Jeylani, and notice the 44 encoding. We see this number so often in stories like these.
Shooting = 44
-AR-15 big target (15 year old)

He was killed July 22, the 203rd day of the year. Recall the ‘March For Our Lives’ ritual, centered on 203.
March For Our Lives = 203

As for another number commonly seen in stories like this, it is 33. And the victim is Issa. And this is headline news on a Sunday.
Bible = 33
Sunday = 33
Issa = 33

Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
Masonry = 33
Federal = 33
Police = 33

Think of Jesus on the cross at age 33. And in this case, notice how Issa Jeylani and Jesus Christ overlap.

Keep in mind CNN has made this a top story on August 7, the 219th day of the year, leaving 146-days remaining, both interesting numbers.
Jesus Christ = 146
Roman Catholic = 219

Soccer star? The soccer ball has a 5 sided object and a 6 sided object on its surface.
Society of Jesus = 56
Black Lives Matter = 56
-The 56 encoding of Matthew 1:1-11
-Recall how they synced up Super Bowl 56 with O’Dell and David Beckham

And once again, it is Columbus, Ohio, a town we talk about a lot.
Columbus, Ohio = 153 / 54
Jesuit Order = 153 / 54

Holy Bible = 153
The Illuminati = 153
Bavaria = 54

As for the Illuminati theme, it goes with him being 15, and the Illuminati being established on May 1, or 1/5, a lot like the number 15.
120, 15th triangular number
Illuminati = 120

And notice, he was a Tiger, in the year of the Tiger.
Tiger = 59 (17th prime)
-Span of 17 days from July 22 to August 7 (date of news)
-Kill = 17 / 44
-Cancer = 44 (Killed on last day of Cancer)

He played for the Hilltop Tigers.
Hilltop Tigers = 170 / 71
Sacrifice = 170

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