Amir Locke, the black man killed by Minneapolis police in no-knock raid, February 4, 2022 news
A 22-year-old killed on 2/2?
And now on 4/2, February 4, they release his name, ‘Amir Locke,’ equating to 42?
February = 42
Slavery = 42
Tuskegee = 42
-Today is Rosa Park’s birthday, born in Tuskegee…
-She died in Detroit, on the 42nd Parallel…
And no-knock, busted down the lock? Notice how ‘Amir Locke’ fits in with ‘body camera’ since that is what the footage is captured on.
42 / 57 / 87
Read more about this ritual here and how it is synced with Keith Ellison, the AG of Minnesota.
Watch my call to Keith Ellison’s office:
And don’t overlook the whole 6:48 and 8:46 (George Floyd) mirrored reversal for “Amir.”
And notice how they make “legal” gun ownership an issue…