At least 10 people freeze to death in Houston, Texas after extreme cold on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2021

The weather on Valentine’s was not the work of mother nature, it was the work of the military, which has acknowledged its control of the weather as far back as 1952. For more information on this subject, please read this post from week before Valentine’s Day.
As identified in that post, “46” was the number, and out of all the places that experienced extreme weather on Valentine’s Day, ‘Houston, Texas’ got it the worst, a 46 city, with temperatures getting down into the single digits in a place that is used to 50 degree weather in the winter. On top of that, they had the power cut on them.

Again, the ‘Great Reset’ and “darkest winter” are synced with Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum. Not by accident, Valentine’s Day was 46 weeks after Schwab’s 82nd birthday.

And notice how ‘cold’ went with Valentine’s Day.

And it is ERCOT out of Austin that controls the power for Texas, and as we know, Austin is Jesuit town.

Notice how ERCOT sums to 74 as well, like ‘energy’.

And notice how The Electric Reliability Council of Texas equates with What You Gonna Do When The Grid Goes Down, the predictive programming album from Public Enemy.

Read about the release of the album 142 days before Valentine’s Day, 14/2…
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam is a Jesuit motto.
And as the power goes out in Houston, JJ Watt and DeShaun Watson are thinking about leaving town…

Read about Oregon’s 74 ritual on Valentine’s Day, the state’s birthday.

Read about the millions without power on Valentine’s Day.

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“Frozen Lone Star State” = 82 (Full Reduction)
“Freezing To Death” = 163 (English Ordinal) – 163, the 38th prime number(Death)
“Freezing To Death” = 74 (Jewish Reduction)
“Lone Star State” = 43 (Full Reduction) – 43, 14th prime, 14th of Feb., Valentine’s Day
“The Military Controls The Weather” = 144 (Full Reduction)
US power grid = 142
Hmm… makes you wonder how they can just shut off your energy without any of your consent 🤔
Don’t forget about Austin! At least one person died there, too.
Gene Taylor, a renowned blues and boogie-woogie pianist in Los Angeles in the 1970s and ’80s who moved to Austin in the 1990s to play with the Fabulous Thunderbirds, died Saturday at home in North Austin. He was 68.
February 14, 2021 is 11 months and 3 days after March 11, 2020. Just a reminder that “Bankrupt” = 113 (RO). Also the phrases “Massive Market Crash” as well as “Worthless Paper Money” both = 911 in reverse satanic and “Market Crash” = 117 in (EO)