ATMs are disappearing in Australia (and in your neighborhood too), February 28, 2022

Banking Big Tech Jesuit Military New World Order News Predictive Programming
201, eh? 56 minutes after the hour, eh? *The end of ATMs? = 59 (59th day of the year)

Notice, this news out of Australia comes as the massive 102 ritual is unfolding in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and as the say, “all wars are bankers wars.”
Art of War = 102
World War = 102
Australia = 102
-ATM = 34 / 47
-Ukraine = 34 / 47

Its a reminder that due to all of the automation, computer gadgetry, and AI, people aren’t that necessary.

Also, from the ‘Countdown’ hoax in New Zealand (Australia’s neighbor) on September 3, 2021, to the economic repercussion of Russia-Ukraine on February 22, 2022, was 172-days later.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172


  1. 357986 on March 2, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    Kath Bray? Judicious choice to skip her in the video.

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