Brandon Smiley, 54-year-old comedian, loses his son, Brandon, at 32, Sunday, January 29, 2023

Notice, his son died for unknown reasons, at 32, while he is 54, on a Sunday.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
As we know, there are 32 sun-rays on the Jesuit Order’s sun.
Christ = 32
Think about God sacrificing his son, which Christians pray about on Sundays.

Rickey Smiley = 64 / 154 / 170
Comedian = 64 *Kill = 64
Ritual Sacrifice = 154
Sacrifice = 170
Keep in mind this is a top headline on 1/30.
Broderick Dornell Smiley = 130
Human Sacrifice = 130
The death of his son came 172 days after his birthday.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
The Jesuits share the Ad maiorem Dei gloriam motto with the Jesuits at the 32nd degree.

Notice, Brandon also equates to 32.