Bray Wyatt’s death in relation to Triple H & Pope Francis, August 24, 2023
Read about Bray Wyatt’s August 24, 2023 death at 36.
It was very, very Jesuit.
This update is on the relationship with his death and Triple H because he confirmed the day of Bray Wyatt from a heart attack.
The name Triple H has 38 gematria.
Triple H = 38
Death = 38
Murder = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38
3-8…. triple h, and h is the 8th letter, so triple-8, or 3-8.

He died 28 days after Triple H’s birthday.
Kill = 28
Man = 28
Triple H was 54 at the time of the death.

Heart Attack = 36
Windham = 36 (his birth name)
Firefly = 36

The day before Bray Wyatt, Terry Funk died 54 days after his June 30 birthday.

Terry = 86 *Blood Sacrifice = 86 *Human Sacrifice = 86 *The Pope is 86 (Jesuits = 86)
Terrence Funk = 59 *Pope Francis = 59 *Benedict stepped down on 59th day for Francis
Terrence Funk = 67 *Blood Sacrifice = 67 *Human Sacrifice = 67
Cable 54 is the enemy in They Live, a movie that released 201 days after Roddy Piper’s birthday, in 1988. *Triple H = 88 (888, HHH)
In this case, Bray Wyatt died 201 days from the anniversary of his pro wrestling career’s start, February 5, 2009. That was 14 years ago.
Dead = 14
End = 14
And you know who Mr. 201 is, Pope Francis.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Fittingly, his death came on the Pope’s 251st day of his age.
251, 54th prime
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54

8 months, 8 days. *Triple H = 88 *Beast = 88
-666, the mark of the beast
-666, 36th triangular number
*They’re saying he died from Covid-19.
–Decade of Vaccines = 88
-Poison = 88