Catholic Bishop David O’Connell assassinated in Los Angeles

Catholic Church Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Racism

This happened Saturday, February 18, 2023.
Holy Roman Empire = 218

It happened on Pope Francis’s 64th day of his age, or 63 days after his birthday.
Kill = 64
Ireland = 63

His name ties in with the first Jesuit Pope.
Catholic Bishop David O’Connell = 144 / 126
Ireland = 126 / 63 / 45
-Dead on 63 date numerology
-Dead after 45 years as a Priest
-Kobe dead on 1/26 in Jesuit ritual
The United States of America = 144
Jesuit Order = 144

David O’Connell = 58
Pope Francis = 58
–David O’Connell = 68
–Catholic Bishop = 68
–Catholicism = 68

The date numerology is as follows.
2/18/2023 = 2+18+20+23 = 63

And the Rodney King case was about racism, which O’Connell was connected to.
Racism = 63

For one more, he as killed 70-days before the anniversary of the April 29 verdict for the officers who beat Rodney King, which was April 29, 1992. Keep in mind this year April 29 will be the 119th day of the year, a number having a relationship with 70 in this regard…
Vatican = 70 / 119
Francis = 70 / 119

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